JURNAL KESEHATAN STIKes MUHAMMADIYAH CIAMIS 2025-02-07T20:19:43+07:00 Irpan Ali Rahman Open Journal Systems <p>E-journal ini merupakan sarana publikasi artikel karya ilmiah yang memuat jurnal-jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh institusi, program studi, unit dan lembaga di lingkunga STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis. Direktori ini memuat tautan ke berbagai jurnal yang mempublikasi artikel-artikel penelitian dan kajian-kajian ilmiah yang meliputi berbagai berbagai bidang keilmuan diantaranya keperawatan+ners, farmasi, kebidanan, analis kesehatan.</p> The Influence of Family Support on Stroke Patient Compliance in Treatment at Blud RSU Ciamis 2025-02-07T20:19:43+07:00 Adi Nurapandi Dedi Supriadi Irpan Rahman Rifa Nopiyanti <p><em>Family support is an important role for the recovery of stroke patients. With family support from all sides, stroke patients will be motivated to recover. Family support is a form of affection given to loved ones so that everyone feels cared for and loved. . This form of support can be in the form of words, behavior or material. </em></p> <p><em>Purpose: to find out how the influence of family support on stroke patients undergoing treatment at the BLUD of RSU Ciamis. </em></p> <p><em>Method: The method used in this study is a quantitative method using a descriptive design and a cross-sectional research design. The sample in this study was 32 respondents in stroke patients at the BLUD of RSU Ciamis.</em></p> <p><em>Results: It can be explained that there is an effect of family support on stroke patient compliance in undergoing treatment at the BLUD of RSU Ciamis. </em></p> <p><em>Conclusion: family support for stroke patient adherence has an influence on undergoing treatment at the BLUD of RSU Ciamis.</em></p> 2025-02-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adi Nurapandi, Dedi Supriadi, Irpan Rahman, Rifa Nopiyanti Lactation Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding Relaxation Techniques in Breastfeeding Mothers 2024-10-09T21:10:36+07:00 Nina Sunarti Aulia Lutfiyanti <p>Breast milk is a kind of food that is good for meeting all the physical needs of babies. Breast milk contains most of the nutritional elements, hormones and immunity of a baby. After that the baby will only get breast milk until the baby is six months old, after the baby is six months old the baby will be given complementary food for breast milk until the baby is even two years old. Purpose: this research is to find out the description of nursing care for normal postpartum mothers who experience ineffective breastfeeding at Koja Jakarta Hospital in 2023 with lactation massage and hypnobreastfeeding relaxation techniques. Methodology: the research used is a descriptive researcher with a case study design that will be carried out in June 2023. Results: a study of patients who experienced ineffective breastfeeding by means of lactation massage and hypnobreastfeeding relaxation techniques, could increase milk production, reduce breast swelling and reduce pain. This can happen because of the willingness of the client to follow. Conclusion: lactation massage techniques and hypnobreastfeeding relaxation techniques can be done when complaints of a little milk coming out, anxiety, swelling in the breasts of post partum mothers are normal.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nina Setiani, Aulia Lutfiyanti Anti-Streptolysin O in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patients 2024-10-11T08:21:22+07:00 Doni Setiawan Ary Nurmalasari Nabil Ridla Firdaus Ilham Maulana <p>Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a pathogenic virus that attacks and damages the human immune system so that the body becomes weak in fighting viral or bacterial infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of Anti Streptolysin O examination in HIV patients at Imbanagara Health Center. This research method is descriptive, with a sample size of 35 HIV-positive people in Imbanagara. Measurements used qualitative and semi-quantitative procedures with a black background slide instrument. The examination was conducted at the Imbanagara Health Center in June 2023. The results of this study obtained positive results for as many as three people (9%) with an average ASTO level of 400 IU/mL and negative results for as many as 32 people (91%).</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Doni Setiawan, Ary Nurmalasari, Nabil Ridla Firdaus, Ilham Maulana Impact of Oxytocin Massage for Postpartum Mothers on Breast Milk Production 2024-10-09T21:11:56+07:00 Syafitrah Umamity Endah Fitriasari Fitriasari Muhammad Taufan Umasugi <p>Introduction Mother's Milk is a divine gift explained in the Quran, Surah Lukman verse 14, which recommends mothers to breastfeed their children for a full two years. Breast milk is considered the best source of nutrition for infants, especially within the age range of 0–6 months. However, not all breastfeeding mothers can easily produce breast milk directly, as the process involves a complex interaction influenced by the hormone oxytocin. This study aims to assess the impact of applying oxytocin massage on breast milk production in postpartum mothers in the Working Area of Waimital Community Health Center, Kairatu District, West Seram Regency. The research design used is quasi-experimental, with sample selection using non-probability sampling involving 20 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire, and data analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon test to evaluate changes before and after the intervention for each variable. The bivariate analysis results based on the treatment group variable showed the highest P-value at 0.008 and the lowest at 0.003 (&lt; 0.05), while in the control group, the highest P-value was 0.157 and the lowest was 0.083 (&lt; 0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that the application of oxytocin massage has a highly significant effect on breast milk production in postpartum mothers in the treatment group.</p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Taufan Umasugi Nurses Experience of Being a Nursepreneur in Independent Nursing Practice 2024-10-11T08:05:54+07:00 Andi Sudrajat Yunita Fitri Rejeki Fitra Herdian <p>Nurses have the authority to open an independent nursing practice as one of the health services Nursepreneur is a business built based on the field of nursing the high number of nurses and the lack of independent nursing practice land into a phenomenon why nurses do not build a business in the field of nursing. Descriptive qualitative research method, sampling technique used purposive sampling and snowball sampling, with the number of informants three nurses who open nursing independent practice instrument used semi-structured interviews with data validity triangulation method and data analysis obtained five main themes. The results showed that the type of nursing independent practice established was wound care practice with a group wound care practice model, the strategic stage of establishing nursing independent practice by analyzing patient characteristics and analyzing the work environment and the regional environment, the obstacles are in the licensing flow in opening a nursing independent practice land that has not been structured and takes a long time and opportunities in mendiri nursing independent practice by branding between health agencies and through social media. Suggestions in this study need to develop quality standards for services to establish independent nursing practices and increase the involvement of professional organizations in fostering nurses who want to open independent nursing practices.</p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Sudrajat, Yunita Fitri Rejeki , Fitra Herdian Patient Satisfaction with Health Services (in the Building) at Jajaway Health Center Bandung City 2024-10-11T08:16:56+07:00 Rahmah Fauziyah Yunita Fitri Rejeki Fitra Herdian <p>To realize good service quality, health centers must maintain the quality of their services, one way is to measure patient satisfaction. But in fact, the phenomenon that exists at the time of service at the Jajaway Health Center in Bandung City, patients still express a lack of health services provided at the health center such as waiting benches that are lacking so that patients waiting for the queue still have to stand, service hours that are still not on time, minimal information related to the health center and there are still officers who are less friendly during service. This study aims to determine Patient Satisfaction with Health Services (In Building) at the Jajaway Health Center, Bandung City. The type of research used is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The patient population in April 2023 in this study was 1294 respondents and the research sample used was 95 respondents. The data collection technique uses stratified random sampling. This research was conducted on July 14-19, 2023 at the Jajaway Health Center, Bandung City. The results of this study showed 2 respondents (2.1%) were very dissatisfied, 1 respondent (1.1%) was dissatisfied, 63 respondents (66.3%) were satisfied, and 29 respondents (30.5%) were very satisfied.</p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmah Fauziyah, Yunita Fitri Rejeki, Fitra Herdian The Influence of Workload, Work Compensation and Work Stress on Nurse Performance at The Bhayangkara Setukpa Lemdikpol Hospital Sukabumi City 2024-11-01T16:34:41+07:00 Ida <p>Hospital is a public health service that has the core task of providing guidance and health services to the community by providing comprehensive health services. Nursing services are one of the health service systems in hospitals that have an important role and contribution in improving hospital services. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was an effect of workload, work compensation and on the performance of nurses at Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital, Lemdikpol, Sukabumi City. The design used in this study was cross sectional. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression tests and multiple linear regression. The results showed a simultaneous influence between workload, work compensation and work stress on the performance of implementing nurses at Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital, Lemdikpol, Sukabumi City. (p=0.000).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-11-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Intervention of Finger Hold Relaxation Technique on Reduction of Pain Scale in Cholelithiasis Patients After Cholecystectomy Surgery 2025-01-05T12:35:47+07:00 Ina Nurhasanah Irpan Rahman <p>Background: Cholelithiasis, or what is known as gallstones, is a condition that often occurs in the gallbladder. This disease is more often found in individuals with obesity, diabetes mellitus, and high cholesterol levels. In Indonesia, around 1 million patients are diagnosed with cholelithiasis every year, and around two-thirds of them require surgery. Post-surgery, pain is a common complaint experienced by patients. Pain management can be done through pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. One effective non-pharmacological therapy is the finger hold relaxation technique or finger grip therapy. This technique provides benefits to the body, mind, and soul, so it can help reduce pain through the relaxation process. Objective: To determine the effect of the finger hold relaxation technique on reducing pain in post-cholecystectomy patients. Method: Using the case study method where the researcher manages 1 case. Research Results: After using the finger hold relaxation technique, the patient reported a decrease in the pain scale from scale 7 to scale 1. This reduction was achieved within three days with the support of administering analgesic drugs. Conclusion: The finger hold relaxation technique reduces the pain scale in post-cholecystectomy patients.</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ina Nurhasanah, Irpan Rahman Risk Assessment For Type 2 Diabetes Using The Finnish Diabetes Risk Core Instrument 2025-01-09T22:04:31+07:00 Heri Budiawan Yuyun Solihatin Bayu Brahmantia Azril Rizqi Permana Genta Pangripta Imam Abdurrahman <p>Indonesia ranks sixth in the world in the number of people with diabetes with an increase in prevalence from 5.7% in 2007 to 8.5% in 2018. This study aims to describe the risk factors for T2DM in the community who visit the Tamansari Health Center, Tasikmalaya City. This study is a descriptive quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Respondents as many as 100 people were selected using the total accidental sampling method. Data were collected using the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) questionnaire which includes various T2DM risk factors, such as age, gender, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, physical activity, hypertension, and family history. The majority of respondents were female (68%) with an average age of 45.29 years. A total of 39% of respondents had hypertension, and 39% were physically inactive. The mean BMI of the respondents was 24.83 kg/m², close to the overweight category, while the mean waist circumference was 83.21 cm, indicating abdominal obesity in some respondents. A total of 13% of respondents had a family history of T2DM, and the risk level of T2DM showed that 49% were at low risk, while the other 51% were at risk levels varying from slightly elevated to very high. The main risk factors identified were age, abdominal obesity, hypertension, physical inactivity, and family history. Most of the respondents were at low risk, but 51% were at increased to very high risk. Lifestyle-based interventions such as weight management, increased physical activity, and early detection are needed to reduce the prevalence of T2DM in this population.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-09T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heri Budiawan, Yuyun Solihatin, Bayu Brahmantia, Azril Rizqi Permana, Genta Pangripta, Imam Abdurrahman The Effect of Honey on The Level of Dysmenorrhea Pain in Nursing Students of Muhammadiyah University Tasikmalaya 2025-01-13T14:01:53+07:00 Ida Herdiani Nia Restiana Hana Ariyani Ria Febriyani <p>Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological disorder among women of all ages and races. Dysmenorrhea is defined as pain during menstruation that is accompanied by cramping and centered in the lower abdomen. Dysmenorrhea can cause a number of problems, including activity limitation, decreased academic performance, and difficulty sleeping so that it can interfere with life activities. Currently, there is a need for the use of herbs and alternative medicine to overcome dysmenorrhea, one of which is using honey which can reduce menstrual pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of honey on the level of dysmenorrhea pain in nursing students at Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya University. This research method uses Quasi Exsperimen research method with Pre-Experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design approach. This research was conducted at the University of Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya. Respondents measured pain levels during dysmenorrhea before and after honey administration. The results showed that giving honey had an effect on reducing menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea in nursing students as indicated by a value of P = 0.000. The conclusion is that there is a change in the intensity of menstrual pain before and after giving honey. Suggestions are expected that the results of this study can be implemented by further researchers as an alternative to dysmenorrhea pain.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Herdiani, Nia Restiana, Hana Ariyani, Ria Febriyani Evaluation of Handover Quality Using Fishbone Diagram Approach in Internal Disease Room of Cirebon City Hospital: Qualitative Study 2025-01-20T19:32:39+07:00 Windri Dewi Ayu Arni Wianti Ahmad Jaelani <p><em>Handover in nursing refers to the systematic transfer of patient information, responsibility, and accountability from one nurse to another, which usually occurs during shift changes, but in its implementation, often experiences weaknesses that can lead to a suboptimal handover process and can disrupt the continuity of care and hinder collaborative efforts that are important in promoting patient safety. This study aims to identify the causes of the suboptimal quality of the implementation of handover between nurse shifts with the SBAR method in the internal medicine room of a hospital in Cirebon City using a qualitative method with a situation analysis approach using fishbone analysis, which has components of man, money, method, material and machine. The results of the fishbone analysis obtained five causes of the suboptimal handover process, namely nurses' knowledge of handover with SBAR is still lacking, the components in the SBAR format are not optimal in documentation, there is no definitive evaluation team, there is no monitoring instrument and the handover evaluation is not optimally monitored periodically. Therefore, the author recommends solving the problem, namely providing education or training on handover using the SBAR method for nurses, compiling instruments or checklist forms that are easier for nurses to use in handover between shifts, re-socializing the handover SOP to nurses, compiling a monitoring schedule by the head of the room or team head, forming an evaluation team and compiling a periodic evaluation schedule.</em></p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Windri Dewi Ayu, Arni Wianti; Ahmad Jaelani Utilization of Purple Sweet Potato Juice As an Alternative Violet Crystal in Coloring Streptococcus sp Bacteria and Escherichia coli 2025-01-16T21:16:51+07:00 Undang Ruhimat Rahayu Nirmatul Mutmainah Siti Rahmah Kurnia Ramdan Nabil Ridla Firdaus <p>Gram staining is a staining method used to distinguish bacterial species into two major groups, namely Gram-positive and Gram-negative, Crystal violet is the primary (main) dye that will colour the target microorganisms. Staining in bacteria can be replaced using alternative substances with low cost, readily available and harmless, one of which uses substances that have anthocyanin content, namely purple sweet potato. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of using purple sweet potato as an alternative substance to replace crystal violet in staining <em>Streptococcus sp</em> and <em>Escherichia coli</em> bacteria. The method used is experimental. Based on the results of research that has been done on the use of purple sweet potato juice as an alternative substance to crystal violet in gram staining of <em>Streptococcus sp</em> and <em>Escherichia coli</em> bacteria, it shows that purple sweet potato material can be used at pH 6.5 and 5.7 while at pH 5.5 and 5 the bacteria are not perfectly coloured. So it can be concluded that purple sweet potato juice can be used as an alternative substance to Crystal violet in gram staining.</p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undang Ruhimat, Rahayu Nirmatul Mutmainah, Siti Rahmah Kurnia Ramdan, Nabil Ridla Firdaus