Differences in Urine Protein Levels of Hemodialysis Patients With Acetic Acid and Lemon Juice Examination


  • Nurani Ai Erlinawati STIKes Karsa Husada Garut
  • Mamay Mamay STIKes Karsa Husada Garut
  • Nita Wahyuni STIKes Karsa Husada Garut




Acetic acid 6%, Hemodialysis, Lemon, Urine protein


Background and Objectives: Urine protein examination is a routine examination performed to determine kidney function. The principle of urine protein examination is that the protein in urine is denatured by heating and adding acid. Lemon fruit has a high acid content and lemon has similar properties to acetic acid, namely properties as a weak acid with a pH of 3.0. The direction of this research is to understand the comparison of urine protein using lemon juice and acetic acid solution reagents.

Methods: This research uses experimental techniques because urine is treated directly by testing using a 6% acetic acid solution (control) and lemon juice solution.

Results: the examination results using lemon juice solution are the same as the examination results using 6% acetic acid solution (control), using the Wilcoxon test, the Asymp.sig (2-tailed) value is 1.000.  With the provisions of the test >0.05, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, so testing the difference in urine protein levels of hemodialysis patients with acetic acid and lemon juice examination can be carried out.

Conclusion: The results of urine protein examination with acetic acid (control) and lemon juice as an alternative reagent. There is no difference in the results of urine protein examination using 6% acetic acid reagent and lemon juice.

Author Biographies

Nurani Ai Erlinawati, STIKes Karsa Husada Garut

Program Studi D3 Analis Kesehatan

Mamay Mamay, STIKes Karsa Husada Garut

Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan


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How to Cite

Erlinawati, N. A., Mamay, M., & Wahyuni, N. (2023). Differences in Urine Protein Levels of Hemodialysis Patients With Acetic Acid and Lemon Juice Examination. Mukhtabar : Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology, 1(2), 72–78. https://doi.org/10.52221/mjmlt.v1i2.384