Treatment of Ginger Plants That Are Very Useful in The Pandemic

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Nia Kurniasih
Nurhidayati Harun
Nova Zahra
Delis Herliawati
Didin Awaludin
Iis Siti Nurhasanah


In early 2020, Indonesia was shocked by an outbreak of disease from Wuhan China, namely Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19. This virus invades the body by attacking the immune system. Plants that have good immunity are ginger. However, many still see it as a spice kitchen. To find out the content of ginger that is useful during the Covid-19 pandemic, a journal literature search was conducted using Google Scholar and Pubmet. The search was carried out in October 2021. The results obtained from a journal review, that ginger contains an active compound gingerol which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent oxidant.

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How to Cite
Kurniasih, N., Harun, N., Zahra, N., Herliawati, D., Awaludin, D., & Nurhasanah, I. S. (2022). Treatment of Ginger Plants That Are Very Useful in The Pandemic. JURNAL KESEHATAN STIKes MUHAMMADIYAH CIAMIS, 9(2), 34–37.


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