We are proud to present the latest edition of the STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis medical journal to our valued readers. This edition features high-quality articles penned by leading experts in the health sector. We believe these articles will inspire, inform, and provide fresh insights for you.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, and editorial team members who contributed to this issue. A special thank you to our readers for trusting and appreciating our work. We hope the STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis health journal continues to be a valuable resource for disseminating information and knowledge that benefits society.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52221/jurkes.v11i2

Published: 2024-10-31

The Influence of Family Support on Stroke Patient Compliance in Treatment at Blud RSU Ciamis

Adi Nurapandi, Dedi Supriadi, Irpan Rahman, Rifa Nopiyanti | Pages: 78-83

Anti-Streptolysin O in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patients

Doni Setiawan, Ary Nurmalasari, Nabil Ridla Firdaus, Ilham Maulana | Pages: 72-77

Impact of Oxytocin Massage for Postpartum Mothers on Breast Milk Production

Syafitrah Umamity, Endah Fitriasari Fitriasari, Muhammad Taufan Umasugi | Pages: 84-101

Nurses Experience of Being a Nursepreneur in Independent Nursing Practice

Andi Sudrajat, Yunita Fitri Rejeki , Fitra Herdian | Pages: 102-109

Patient Satisfaction with Health Services (in the Building) at Jajaway Health Center Bandung City

Rahmah Fauziyah, Yunita Fitri Rejeki, Fitra Herdian | Pages: 110-116

Risk Assessment For Type 2 Diabetes Using The Finnish Diabetes Risk Core Instrument

Heri Budiawan, Yuyun Solihatin, Bayu Brahmantia, Azril Rizqi Permana, Genta Pangripta, Imam Abdurrahman | Pages: 135-143

Utilization of Purple Sweet Potato Juice As an Alternative Violet Crystal in Coloring Streptococcus sp Bacteria and Escherichia coli

Undang Ruhimat, Rahayu Nirmatul Mutmainah, Siti Rahmah Kurnia Ramdan, Nabil Ridla Firdaus | Pages: 149-156